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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08.11.2014 in all areas

  1. Наконец собралась с мыслями и готова все вот эти "было нереально круто", "питецы, я люблю вас" и т.д. обличить в что-то более менее вразумительное =) День 1. Вечеринка. Перед входом в Tatin толпа "чудищ". Со словами "придется узнавать всех по голосу" чешу мимо КарлсОна. "Кристина!" ... долго всматриваюсь/вслушиваюсь... "Наташа???". Обнимашки! Вечеринка огонь! Танцы, конкурсы! Очень-очень круто все было задумано и сделано! Армреслинг был особенно хорош)) мне дня два болели руки, о силе которых я не знала до этого дня))) Катя Не дома (Москваааа), поздравляю с победой!!! Толик, я тебе уже говорила, но повторение-Мать)): креативность твоей мысли не перестает удивлять! Костюм. "..., а имей сто друзей" в действии: коллега притащила парик и верхнюю юбку, Dina Dina - корсет и... (!) иголку с ниткой. Диночка, спасибо тебе за сшитую по дороге в Питер нижнюю часть юбки! Фата была от маминого свадебного платья 1970 года выпуска!))) Грим с лозунгом "намажусь так, чтоб саму себя бояться". Женя Born, круто, что я-таки была мертвой невестой с мертвым женихом, а не с тигрёнком =)) И... УРА! - приз за лучший костюм! Спасибо!!! Это, правда, было очень неожиданно и невероятно приятно! День 2. Культурный. Юлечка Joli! Спасибо тебе за экскурсию и потрясающие мистические истории про Питер, а еще за чумовые желтые/зеленые/красные шоты! Толямбы! Спасибо за гостеприимство! Милейший получился вечер! Люблю вас! День3. Культурный или... После завтрака в Zoom (Joli, мы-таки туда прорвались!)) мы как культурные гости посмотрели Казанский собор и Спас на крови, но потом кто-то проголодался… И… гастро-марафон начался. Вопрос «сколько можно, извините, жрать» задавался примерно раз в час, но остановить этот пищевой беспредел не мог никто =)) Пора домой… Каждый отъезд из Питера происходит по одной схеме: мы планируем следующую поездку! Дорогие петербуржцы, мы вас очень любим! Спасибо вам за эти сумасшедшие выходные! Родные москвичи! Семейка! Без вас эта поездка не состоялась бы! Вы все такие зайки! Готова признаваться вам в любви каждый день!!!
    1 point
  2. должно быть два контакта. берешь разъем в автомагазине подсоединяешь 12в, подаешь воздух и смотриш что откуда выходит. 12в ничего не спалишь. А лучше взять у кого то работающий. У меня на днях вылезла ошибка по давлению турбины 2885. Оказалось когда доливал антифриз пролил на проставку forge (blow-off). снял клапан с турбы а там грязязище. почистил и снова все едет как надо.
    1 point
  3. добавили новые фото https://yadi.sk/d/La1VM7_gcWush
    1 point
  4. Обязательно должен быть интерес? Запостил для обмена опытом, за каждую кодировку берут в среднем 1500 - 2500 руб. Покупка этой проги окупится у вас очень быстро (см.список), что можно сделать с вашим миником. Плюс никуда не надо ездить, а еще в проге есть простая диагностика. Хотя бы видно, есть ошибки или нет. Крякнутую не искал, ценнег не конский у проги, было проще купить.
    1 point
  5. Что можно сделать на R56 CAS: Comfort start active not active BMWhat: Ignition key just has to be tapped once to start the engine after ignition is turned on. CAS: Comfort eject active not active BMWhat: Ignition key is automatically ejected, when ignition is turned off. CAS: Comfort open using remote active not active BMWhat: Press and hold the unlock button on the remote to open all windows and the sunroof. Convertibles open the roof instead. CAS: Comfort close using remote active not active BMWhat: Press and hold the lock button on the remote to close all windows and the sunroof. CAS: Comfort folding/unfolding for sideview mirrors active not active BMWhat: When holding the lock/unlock button on the remote the sideview mirrors automatically fold/unfold. To activate this function please activate "Comfort folding/unfolding for sideview mirrors" in the "FRM" module. CAS: Easy entry active not active BMWhat: Press the unlock button once to unlock all doors. Press it again to lower the driver side window. CAS: Easy entry Key 1 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Easy entry" for key 1. Press the unlock button once to unlock all doors. Press it again to lower the driver side window. CAS: Easy entry Key 2 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Easy entry" for key 2. Press the unlock button once to unlock all doors. Press it again to lower the driver side window. CAS: Easy entry Key 3 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Easy entry" for key 3. Press the unlock button once to unlock all doors. Press it again to lower the driver side window. CAS: Easy entry Key 4 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Easy entry" for key 4. Press the unlock button once to unlock all doors. Press it again to lower the driver side window. CAS: Selective central locking active not active BMWhat: Unlocking the car once only unlocks the driver"s door. Unlocking it again unlocks the other doors, too. CAS: Selective central locking Key 1 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Selective central locking" for key 1. Unlocking the car once only unlocks the driver"s door. Unlocking it again unlocks the other doors, too. CAS: Selective central locking Key 2 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Selective central locking" for key 2. Unlocking the car once only unlocks the driver"s door. Unlocking it again unlocks the other doors, too. CAS: Selective central locking Key 3 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Selective central locking" for key 3. Unlocking the car once only unlocks the driver"s door. Unlocking it again unlocks the other doors, too. CAS: Selective central locking Key 4 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Selective central locking" for key 4. Unlocking the car once only unlocks the driver"s door. Unlocking it again unlocks the other doors, too. CAS: Selective central locking - unlock fuel lid active not active BMWhat: The fuel lid is also unlocked upon the first unlock, when "Selective central locking" is active. CAS: Lock tailgate when car locked active not active BMWhat: Tailgate cannot be unlocked, when car is locked. CAS: Automatically lock vehicle Key 1 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Automatically lock vehicle" for key 1. If no door or window has been opened two minutes after the car has been unlocked, the doors automatically lock. CAS: Automatically lock vehicle Key 2 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Automatically lock vehicle" for key 2. If no door or window has been opened two minutes after the car has been unlocked, the doors automatically lock. CAS: Automatically lock vehicle Key 3 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Automatically lock vehicle" for key 3. If no door or window has been opened two minutes after the car has been unlocked, the doors automatically lock. CAS: Automatically lock vehicle Key 4 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Automatically lock vehicle" for key 4. If no door or window has been opened two minutes after the car has been unlocked, the doors automatically lock. CAS: Lock vehicle upon ignition active not active BMWhat: Vehicle is locked, when ignition is turned on. CAS: Unlock car when turned off active not active BMWhat: Doors are automatically unlocked, when ignition key is ejected. Only works if "Lock vehicle at x kph Key 1-4" is activated. CAS: Threshold speed for vehicle locking 2 kph 6 kph 12 kph 18 kph 24 kph 30 kph BMWhat: Sets the speed at which the vehicle automatically locks all doors. For models other than E46 values 1 to 6 mean the following: 4 kph, 8kph, 12 kph, 20 kph, 24 kph, 28 kph To activate this option you need to activate "Lock vehicle at x kph" for the according keys. CAS: Lock vehicle at x kph Key 1 active not active BMWhat: Automatically lock the vehicle at the set threshold speed when key 1 is used. CAS: Lock vehicle at x kph Key 2 active not active BMWhat: Automatically lock the vehicle at the set threshold speed when key 2 is used. CAS: Lock vehicle at x kph Key 3 active not active BMWhat: Automatically lock the vehicle at the set threshold speed when key 3 is used. CAS: Lock vehicle at x kph Key 4 active not active BMWhat: Automatically lock the vehicle at the set threshold speed when key 4 is used. CAS: Interior lights with remote active not active BMWhat: Pressing the lock button on the remote, when the car is already locked, turns on the interior lights. CAS: Panic mode remote active not active BMWhat: Press and hold the "unlock trunk" button to trigger the alarm. CAS: Unlock rear window active not active BMWhat: Key unlocks rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. CAS: Unlock rear window key 1 active not active BMWhat: Key 1 unlocks rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. CAS: Unlock rear window key 2 active not active BMWhat: Key 2 unlocks rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. CAS: Unlock rear window key 3 active not active BMWhat: Key 3 unlocks rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. CAS: Unlock rear window key 4 active not active BMWhat: Key 4 unlocks rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. CAS: Unlock rear window with outside trunk lid button active not active BMWhat: Outside trunk lid button opens rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. CAS: Unlock rear window with outside trunk lid button Key 1 active not active BMWhat: Outside trunk lid button opens rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. Separate setting for key 1. CAS: Unlock rear window with outside trunk lid button Key 2 active not active BMWhat: Outside trunk lid button opens rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. Separate setting for key 2. CAS: Unlock rear window with outside trunk lid button Key 3 active not active BMWhat: Outside trunk lid button opens rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. Separate setting for key 3. CAS: Unlock rear window with outside trunk lid button Key 4 active not active BMWhat: Outside trunk lid button opens rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. Separate setting for key 4. CAS: Unlock rear window with footwell switch active not active BMWhat: Footwell switch opens rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. CAS: Unlock rear window with footwell switch Key 1 active not active BMWhat: Footwell switch opens rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. Separate setting for key 1. CAS: Unlock rear window with footwell switch Key 2 active not active BMWhat: Footwell switch opens rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. Separate setting for key 2. CAS: Unlock rear window with footwell switch Key 3 active not active BMWhat: Footwell switch opens rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. Separate setting for key 3. CAS: Unlock rear window with footwell switch Key 4 active not active BMWhat: Footwell switch opens rear window instead of trunk lid in touring models. Separate setting for key 4. CAS: Prohibit engine start without brake active not active BMWhat: Engine can"t be started when brake is not pressed. CAS: Power windows after ignition off active not active BMWhat: Power windows are active for another minute after ignition is turned off. CAS: Arm/Disarm Anti-Theft Alarm System Only with remote With locks and remote BMWhat: Anti-theft alarm system is armed/disarmed by locking/unlocking the car (1) with the locks and the remote or (2) only by locking/unlocking the car with the remote. FRM: Flasher with bi-xenon active not active BMWhat: Bi-xenon lamps are used for flasher. FRM: Front fog lights and high beams not simultaneously active not active BMWhat: Front fog lights are automatically turned off when activating high beams. FRM: Front fog lights and flasher not simultaneously active not active BMWhat: Front fog lights are automatically turned off when activating flasher. FRM: Turn off interior lighting after 2 minutes active not active BMWhat: Interior lighting is automatically turned off after two minutes. FRM: Soft turn on/off for interior lighting active not active BMWhat: Interior lighting is softly turned on and off. FRM: Optical confirmation for unlocking vehicle active not active BMWhat: Optical confirmation for unlocking vehicle is active/not active. FRM: Optical confirmation for unlocking vehicle Key 1 active not active BMWhat: Optical confirmation for unlocking vehicle is active/not active. Separate setting for "Optical confirmation for unlocking" for key 1. FRM: Optical confirmation for unlocking vehicle Key 2 active not active BMWhat: Optical confirmation for unlocking vehicle is active/not active. Separate setting for "Optical confirmation for unlocking" for key 2. FRM: Optical confirmation for unlocking vehicle Key 3 active not active BMWhat: Optical confirmation for unlocking vehicle is active/not active. Separate setting for "Optical confirmation for unlocking" for key 3. FRM: Optical confirmation for locking vehicle active not active BMWhat: Optical confirmation for locking vehicle is active/not active. FRM: Optical confirmation for locking vehicle Key 1 active not active BMWhat: Optical confirmation for locking vehicle is active/not active. Separate setting for "Optical confirmation for locking" for key 1. FRM: Optical confirmation for locking vehicle Key 2 active not active BMWhat: Optical confirmation for locking vehicle is active/not active. Separate setting for "Optical confirmation for locking" for key 2. FRM: Optical confirmation for locking vehicle Key 3 active not active BMWhat: Optical confirmation for locking vehicle is active/not active. Separate setting for "Optical confirmation for locking" for key 3. FRM: One-touch turn signal function value 01 value 02 BMWhat: Number of turn signals when tapping the turn signal. FRM: One-touch turn signal function Key 1 value 01 value 02 BMWhat: Number of turn signals when tapping the turn signal. Separate setting for "One-touch turn signal function" for key 1 FRM: One-touch turn signal function Key 2 value 01 value 02 BMWhat: Number of turn signals when tapping the turn signal. Separate setting for "One-touch turn signal function" for key 2. FRM: One-touch turn signal function Key 3 value 01 value 02 BMWhat: Number of turn signals when tapping the turn signal. Separate setting for "One-touch turn signal function" for key 3. FRM: Continue window function when door is opened active not active BMWhat: When the door is opened while its window is opening/closing, the window will continue opening/closing the window. FRM: Mirror tilt 1/2 active not active BMWhat: Requirement for mirror tilt functions. FRM: Mirror tilt 2/2 active not active BMWhat: Requirement for mirror tilt functions. FRM: Comfort folding/unfolding for sideview mirrors active not active BMWhat: When holding the lock/unlock button on the remote the sideview mirrors automatically fold/unfold. May need additional coding of the "CAS" module. FRM: Tilt mirror in reverse active not active BMWhat: This function requires an installed LIN-Bus. Passenger mirror is tilted when switching into reverse gear. To activate this option activate "Mirror tilt", aswell. FRM: Electrochromatic mirror dimming active not active BMWhat: This function requires an installed LIN-Bus. Side mirrors automatically dim electrochromatic. FRM: Daytime running lights (Europe) active not active BMWhat: Daytime running lights (Europe) active/not active. FRM: Daytime running lights (Europe) Key 1 active not active BMWhat: Daytime running lights (Europe) active/not active. Separate setting for "Daytime running lights (Europe)" for key 1 FRM: Daytime running lights (Europe) Key 2 active not active BMWhat: Daytime running lights (Europe) active/not active. Separate setting for "Daytime running lights (Europe)" for key 2. FRM: Daytime running lights (Europe) Key 3 active not active BMWhat: Daytime running lights (Europe) active/not active. Separate setting for "Daytime running lights (Europe)" for key 3. FRM: Sidemarker (US) active not active BMWhat: Sidemarkers are permanently active. May need additional "Sidemarker (US)" options set to "active" if available. FRM: Sidemarker (US) brightness value 03 BMWhat: Brightness for "Sidemarker (US)". FRM: Daytime running lights (US) active not active BMWhat: Use dimmed turn signals as daytime running lights. To activate this option, set the brightness to bright or dark. FRM: Daytime running lights customization Off Turn signals (US) High beams Low beams Corona-rings/Angel-eyes (EU) BMWhat: Customization of the daytime running lights. For Corona-rings/Angel-eyes also activate "Daytime running lights (Europe)". FRM: Daytime running lights - high beams active not active BMWhat: Use high beams as daytime running lights. To activate this option, set "Daytime running lights" to "High beams". FRM: Daytime running lights - high beams brightness value 01 BMWhat: Brightness for "Daytime running lights high beams". FRM: Activate follow me home lights active not active BMWhat: Follow me home lights are active/not active. FRM: Follow me home lights with remote active not active BMWhat: Quickly press the "Open trunk" button twice to activate the follow me home lights. Under some circumstances the option "Panic mode remote" in the CAS has to be activated, too. FRM: Follow me home lights duration value 01 value 02 value 03 value 04 value 05 BMWhat: Duration of follow me home lights in seconds. To activate follow me home lights, activate the flasher, while the enginge is off. FRM: Follow me home lights duration Key 1 value 01 value 02 value 03 value 04 value 05 BMWhat: Separate setting for duration in seconds of follow me home lights for key 1. FRM: Follow me home lights duration Key 2 value 01 value 02 value 03 value 04 value 05 BMWhat: Separate setting for duration in seconds of follow me home lights for key 2. FRM: Follow me home lights duration Key 3 value 01 value 02 value 03 value 04 value 05 BMWhat: Separate setting for duration in seconds of follow me home lights for key 3. FRM: Cancel follow me home lights active not active BMWhat: Follow me home lights are cancelled, when activating the flasher again. FRM: Extend follow me home lights active not active BMWhat: Follow me home lights are displayed longer, when activating the flasher again. FRM: Welcome lights active not active BMWhat: Welcome lights are turned on, when vehicle is unlocked. In order for the welcome light to work, the light switch in the car has to be set to "Auto". FRM: Welcome lights Key 1 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Welcome lights" for key 1. FRM: Welcome lights Key 2 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Welcome lights" for key 2. FRM: Welcome lights Key 3 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Welcome lights" for key 3. FRM: Welcome lights Key 4 active not active BMWhat: Separate setting for "Welcome lights" for key 4. FRM: Welcome lights duration off 5s 10s 20s 40s 90s BMWhat: Duration of the welcome lights in seconds. FRM: Welcome lights - low beams not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Low beams are turned on with welcome lights. FRM: Welcome lights - brake force display not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Brake force display is turned on with welcome lights. FRM: Welcome lights - braking lights not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Braking lights are turned on with welcome lights. FRM: Welcome lights - turn signals front not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Turn signals front are turned on with welcome lights. To activate this option you may need to additionally code "Sidemarker (US) brightness" to "very low" or higher. FRM: Welcome lights - turn signals rear not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Turn signals rear are turned on with welcome lights. To activate this option you may need to additionally code "Sidemarker (US) brightness" to "very low" or higher. FRM: Welcome lights - high beams not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: High beams are turned on with welcome lights. FRM: Welcome lights - number plate lighting not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Number plate lights are turned on with welcome lights. FRM: Welcome lights - front fog lights not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Front fog lights are turned on with welcome lights. FRM: Welcome lights - rear fog lights not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Rear fog lights are turned on with welcome lights. FRM: Welcome lights - corner LEDs not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Corner LEDs are turned on with welcome lights. Due to the way LEDs work, it is not possible to softly turn them on. FRM: Welcome lights - parking lights front not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Parking lights front are turned on with welcome lights. FRM: Welcome lights - parking lights rear not active turn on softly turn on hard BMWhat: Parking lights rear are turned on with welcome lights. FRM: Seatbelt Hand-Over driver active not active BMWhat: Automatic seatbelt hand-over for driver is active/inactive. FRM: Seatbelt Hand-Over passenger active not active BMWhat: Automatic seatbelt hand-over for passenger is active/inactive. FRM: Crash lights standard double BMWhat: Hazard lights blink once or twice upon an accident. FRM: Hazard lights standard double BMWhat: Hazard lights blink once or twice. KOMBI: Digital speedometer active not active BMWhat: Digital speedometer is displayed in dashboard. This option does not work with every model yet. If there is no digital speedometer available after coding this option, please set this option back to not active and send that log. KOMBI: Digital speedometer permanent active not active BMWhat: Digital speedometer is displayed permanently in dashboard. KOMBI: Digital speedometer correction active not active BMWhat: Active: corrected speed is displayed in dashboard Inactive: true speed is displayed in dashboard KOMBI: Speedometer correction active not active BMWhat: Active: corrected speed is displayed in dashboard Inactive: true speed is displayed in dashboard/nDoes not work on US models. KOMBI: Speed limit warning active not active BMWhat: Speed limit warning at 120 kph is active/not active. KOMBI: GPS time correction active not active BMWhat: Time of day is corrected by using GPS. KOMBI: Ignition key warning active not active BMWhat: Ignition key warning active/not active. KOMBI: Gear shift indicator 1/3 active not active BMWhat: Gear shift indicator in the on board computer. To activate this function, also activate other codings for "Gear shift indicator". KOMBI: Gear shift indicator 2/3 active not active BMWhat: Only change with "Gear shift indicator 1/3". KOMBI: Gear shift indicator 3/3 active not active BMWhat: Only change with "Gear shift indicator 1/3". KOMBI: Gear shift indicator key 1 active not active BMWhat: Gear shift indicator for key 1. KOMBI: Gear shift indicator key 2 active not active BMWhat: Gear shift indicator for key 2. KOMBI: Gear shift indicator key 3 active not active BMWhat: Gear shift indicator for key 3. KOMBI: Gear shift indicator key 4 active not active BMWhat: Gear shift indicator for key 4. KOMBI: Cruise Control speed display 0s 4s 6s BMWhat: The set speed of the cruise control is shown for a couple of seconds in the on board computer.
    1 point
  6. Залей по-больше - пусть подавится, падла!!. P.S. (на правах незлой шутки)
    1 point
  7. Даблин любая машина едет столько сколько написано в ттх. При ровной дороге, хорошем обычном бензине, отсутствии ветра и температуре 20 градусов. Мини в данном случае удалось разогнать ровно до 232 по гпсу. Спидометр казал в данном случае около 238. С горы 245 по спидометру удалось выжать - это максимальная цифра что я у себя видел )) самое забавное это то, что при этом меня обогнали 3 сарая бмв и ауди, которые везли картошку на дачу )))
    1 point
  8. однако я еще не научилась определять скорость движения по деревьям мелькающим за окошком :g:
    1 point