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  3. A couple of years ago we checked-off something major from our bucket-list in attending the mythical Nurburgring 24 Hours. The race and the atmosphere blew away our already high expectations but the team struggled. That was not the case last year as the manual JCW 1to6 came second in class. But this year there’s something even more special in the MINI/Bulldog Racing Garage. This year Bulldog Racing and MINI are not only debuting the highly anticipated F66 MINI Cooper JCW at the track but they’re racing it with none other than the grandson of John Cooper, Charlie Cooper. Alongside last year’s 2nd place JCW 1to6, Bulldog racing will be hoping to not just make it 24 hours but get on the podium with both production spec MINIs. Why The Nurburgring 24 Hours Is The Best Race In The World That’s a heady claim given how many incredible motorsport events there are globally. But the N24 is as much a race as a festival dedicated to cars, culture and the insanity of German race fans. The paddock and the cars were impressive but seeing the crowd and the culture that has built up around this race was unlike anything in the world. Photos and words barely do it justice. We’ve driven the track before but to see a race of this magnitude and fans this crazy was unlike any other race we’ve ever experienced. The German fans creativity with camp sites was something we had heard about but still were shocked by. The engineering that went into some of the buildouts were wild and the experience was electric – especially into the night. It was all made even better by how welcoming the entire crowd was. The race will be broadcast on Youtube via the ADAC channel. It’s available with both German and English commentary with specific videos on the channel recapping portions of the race. The Bulldog Racing Line-Up Bulldog Racing, MINI’s racing partner for all things Nurburgring has been gearing up for a this year’s 24 Hours of the Nürburgring with two entries. Expanding from last year’s single entry, the team is debuting the forthcoming F66 MINI JCW in camouflaged form alongside last year’s 1to6 manual JCW. The New F66 MINI John Cooper Works PRO #317 will be entered by the private racing team from Nürburg, Bulldog Racing, and will be competing in the SP 3T category. MINI’s other race car is the 2023 F56 MINI Cooper JCW (#474) that came in second last year in its class. It will be once again in the VT-2 category. Charlie Cooper (GBR), grandson of John Cooper – the inventor of the iconic Mini Cooper in 1961 – makes his second trip to the 24-hour race after finishing 2nd with the team. F66 MINI Cooper JCW Modification For The ‘Ring The shift paddle in the Nurburgring prepped F66 JCW race car. The new MINI John Cooper Works PRO #317 was built as a pre-production model at the Oxford Plant and then modified extensively for the race. That means a full roll-cage, KW suspension, race specific braking system and what look like 17-inch OZ HyperGT light alloy wheels. Additionally Bulldog has stripped out the interior for weight savings. But outside of these necessary modifications, this is a stock F66 MINI Cooper JCW. The same goes for the F56 1to6 JCW. And like last year it features a manual transmission – likely the only car at the race with a manual. The Drive Line-Up Once Again Featuring Charlie Cooper The drivers for MINI John Cooper Works PRO (#317), which competes at the SP-3T class features: The manual F56 MINI Cooper JCW 1to6 Edition – Charlie Cooper (GBR) – Markus Fischer (AUT) – Christoph Kragenings (GER) – Sebastian Sauerbrei (GER) The MINI John Cooper Works, with #474, is the only car equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission starting at this year’s edition of the race. Drivers for MINI John Cooper Works 1to6 edition (#474), which competes at the VT-2 class are: – Michael Bräutigam (GER) – Andreas Hilgers (GER) – Sascha Korte (GER) – Marco Zabel (GER) How to Watch The 2024 24 Hours of Nürburgring will take place on June 1st and June 2nd 2024. Like last year we expect the race to be available on the 24 Rennen website and ADAC’s Youtube channel. Also keep an eye out of the qualifying races and test sessions which might also be on the channel. The 52nd edition of the 24 Hours Nürburgring takes place from May 30th to June 2nd including support events and the race itself. The most demanding track in the world, the ‘Ring is nearly 16 miles long and will host 130 vehicles in 23 different classes, and over 450 drivers from three dozen nations. The shift paddle in the Nurburgring prepped F66 JCW race car. F66 JCW Prototype Race Car The post MINI Is Debuting It’s New JCW At The Nurburgring 24 Hours – Here’s How You Can Watch appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
  4. Новь (Тургенев)/Глава 27 Обычно это объясняется тем, что в 1935 году супруга писателя не предполагала, что Булгаков в романе «Мастер и Маргарита» опирается на события, происходившие на Фестивале весны. Тейер писал о необычных холодах в СССР в апреле 1935 года - за десять дней до бала в Московской области ещё не появились даже почки на деревьях, не распускались цветы. Однако, приобретены были уже срезанные тюльпаны и встала проблема их сохранения до начала праздника. Террор, всегда имевший место, дошёл до такой степени, что как самые незначительные из москвичей, так и самые видные из них находятся в страхе. С начала 1934 года, однако, отношения Буллита с советским руководством стали ухудшаться, что подтверждают тексты его опубликованных докладов в Вашингтон. Вывод, сделанный докладчицей: «Сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ текста булгаковского романа «Мастер и Маргарита» и исторических свидетельств (переписка посла У. Буллита с президентом США Ф. Кандидат исторических наук Пядышева Е. Кандидат исторических наук Вера Райкова выступила с докладом «„Великий бал у сатаны“ в романе „Мастер и Маргарита“ и американское посольство в Москве: историко-литературоведческий анализ» на Междисциплинарном семинаре по истории взаимовосприятия культур «Россия и мир». Согласны с такой точкой зрения авторы книги «Роман М. Булгакова „Мастер и Маргарита“. Он готов лишь признать праздник «апогеем» встреч Булгакова с сотрудниками американского посольства. Он неодобрительно высказался по поводу воды и рыбы прямо на полу бальной залы посольства. Он выполнит все необходимые работы, чтобы преобразить ваш дом, сделать его красивым и благоустроенным. До этого времени сотрудники американского посольства, по её словам, «часто и свободно» встречались с советским гражданами. Первоначально назначение его послом было воспринято советским партийным и государственным руководством с удовлетворением. Для решения проблемы берёзок, травы и цветов организаторы праздника, по словам Тейера, сотрудники посольства обратились к специалистам с отделения ботаники биологического факультета Московского государственного университета. Организатором мероприятия выступил первый посол США в СССР в ранге специального помощника государственного секретаря США (с 1933 по 1936 годы) Уильям Кристиан Буллит. Важно обсудить все детали работы и стоимость заранее, а также убедиться в наличии у исполнителя необходимых инструментов и квалификации. Номинальная стоимость этой штучки приблизительно… Свой рассказ о том, как «застелили пол в туалете посольства ярдами и ярдами мокрой марли, рассыпали семена цикория и стали ждать» результата, Уайли сопроводита буддийским афоризмом: «Ни одно растение не умрёт, каждое семя вырастет». Ирена Уайли настаивала, что праздник должен называться Фестиваль весны и его непременными участниками должны стать животные. Это резкое изменение Ирена Уайли описывала как «железный занавес», опущенный Сталиным. Тейера Уайли охарактеризовала как молодого человека с необъятным воображением и «наполеоновским презрением» к слову «невозможно». We also had pleasant lighting effects done by the best theater here and a bit of a cabaret. ^ 1 2 Five Western Journalists in the Doomed City (неопр.). Дело происходит так: муж, женясь из-за приданого, начинает обирать жену или проматывать её состояние и когда разорит её дотла, то в большинстве случаев бросает и её и детей на произвол судьбы. В условиях охлаждения отношений и описанных Уайли массовых репрессий этого времени, коснувшихся в том числе политиков и дипломатов, с которыми она сама была хорошо знакома, проведение Фестиваля весны мемуаристка охарактеризовала так: «Это был один из редчайших случаев, более редкий и ценный, чем американский журавль (англ. По другому о завершении праздника писала в своих мемуарах Ирена Уайли. Среди помещений посольства самым впечатляющим, по мнению Ирена Уайли, была столовая: столы с травой и покачивающиеся тюльпаны, петухи в стеклянных клетках по всей комнате, козы, гарцующие в одном углу, спящий медвежонок в другом, белые берёзы кружевными узорами вдоль белых стен. Ирена Уайли отмечала, что, в Европе или Америке подготовка подобного мероприятия не представляет собой никакой проблемы, но в Москве пришлось столкнуться с серьёзными трудностями: ни в магазинах, ни на рынках (англ. По утверждению Тейера в книге «Медведи в икре», он уже имел опыт организации развлечений в столице. Эткинд отмечал, что в описании Елены Сергеевны Булгаковой, и в описании Чарльза Тейера практически ничто не напоминает «Великий Бал у Сатаны». Булгаков, по предположению исследователя, в ходе обсуждения с супругой вопроса о том, какой из вариантов «Бала у Сатаны» оставить в романе, провёл параллель между «Великим Балом у Сатаны» и Фестивалем весны. Вновь открытый в 1995 году, он призван показать мирную жизнь в оккупированном Нанкине, но киноэксперт профессор Jinshi Fujii сомневается в том, что он снят в Нанкине и в содержании фильма в целом. Александр Эткинд был несогласен с такой точкой зрения: «Что же касается Бала Сатаны в „Мастере и Маргарите“, то он и вовсе кажется не [url=https://myzh-na-chas777.ru/]вызвать мужа на час[/url] имеющим отношения к американскому Фестивалю весны, задуманному скорее в стиле „Великого Гетсби“ Ф. Кто же теперь будет делать переплеты из древесной массы, когда к лесным материалам приступу нет. Это был чрезвычайно удачный приём, весьма достойный и в то же время весёлый. Это был очень дурной, нехороший человек. There was a good turnout for the ball I gave on the 23rd of April. ^ Yang, Celia The Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre: Rhetoric in the Face of Tragedy (неопр.) (PDF) 310 KB (2006). Дата обращения: 5 февраля 2016. Архивировано из оригинала 12 июня 2007 года.
  5. Design legend Paul Smith has had a long relationship with MINI starting with iconic Paul Smith classic Mini from the 90s. Recently he electrified a Classic Mini and turned a F56 MINI Cooper SE into the MINI Strip. But now Smith and MINI are partnering on their most ambitious collaboration to date and bringing a new Paul Smith MINI to the masses via a full production run. But what MINI will it be and when are we likely to see it? While we don’t have photos yet (what you see above is a wild guess), we do have a few answers. The Paul Smith designed MINI Strip Concept. Sources tell MotoringFile to expect the Paul Smith Edition to be based on the petrol powered F66 and not the electric J01. It will also not follow the extreme minimalism of the Strip concept but instead will reportedly leverage Smith’s iconic design sense and MINI’s bold new design language to create something that feels unique and modern. The original Paul Smith Edition classic Mini While we have no conformation on other models, it’s also possible that the special edition could eventually be offered on the F65 five door and F67 convertible given that they’re all made in Oxford. While the full picture of the Paul Smith Edition has yet to come into focus, we know that it will feature several exclusive details. Outside it will have a Nottingham Green roof, unique alloy wheels and unique badging. Inside look for unique Vescin/textile seats and an exclusive textile dash and door design. The Paul Smith Edition MINI will go into production at Oxford on July 1 2026. But you won’t have to wait until then for more info. Check back with MotoringFile in the coming months for updates. The post Exclusive: A New Paul Smith MINI Cooper is Coming to Production appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
  6. MINI’s motorsports partner Bulldog Racing is taking the new F66 MINI Cooper JCW to the most demanding race in the world; the 24 Hours of Nurburgring. Along side the new F66 JCW will be last year’s 1to6 manual transmission F56 JCW. The 52nd edition of the 24 Hours Nürburgring takes place from May 30th to June 2nd including support events and the race itself. The most demanding track in the world, the ‘Ring is nearly 16 miles long and will host 130 vehicles in 23 different classes, and over 450 drivers from three dozen nations. In other words it’s the perfect place to test MINI’s new Cooper JCW. The New F66 MINI John Cooper Works PRO #317 will be entered by the private racing team from Nürburg, Bulldog Racing, and will be competing in the SP 3T category. MINI’s other race car is the 2023 F56 MINI Cooper JCW (#474) that came in second last year in its class. It will be once again in the VT-2 category. F66 MINI Cooper JCW Modification for the ‘Ring The shift paddle in the Nurburgring prepped F66 JCW race car. The new MINI John Cooper Works PRO #317 was built as a pre-production model at the Oxford Plant and then modified extensively for the race. That means a full roll-cage, KW suspension, race specific braking system and what look like 17-inch OZ HyperGT light alloy wheels. Additionally Bulldog has stripped out the interior for weight savings. But outside of these necessary modifications, this is a stock F66 MINI Cooper JCW. The same goes for the F56 1to6 JCW. And like last year it features a manual transmission – likely the only car at the race with a manual. The Drive Line-up Once Again Featuring Charlie Cooper The drivers for MINI John Cooper Works PRO (#317), which competes at the SP-3T class features: The manual F56 MINI Cooper JCW 1to6 Edition – Charlie Cooper (GBR) – Markus Fischer (AUT) – Christoph Kragenings (GER) – Sebastian Sauerbrei (GER) The MINI John Cooper Works, with #474, is the only car equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission starting at this year’s edition of the race. Drivers for MINI John Cooper Works 1to6 edition (#474), which competes at the VT-2 class are: – Michael Bräutigam (GER) – Andreas Hilgers (GER) – Sascha Korte (GER) – Marco Zabel (GER) How to Watch the 2024 24 Hours of Nürburgring The 2024 24 Hours of Nürburgring will take place on June 1st and June 2nd 2024. Like last year we expect the race to be available on the ADAC’s Youtube channel and we will embed the race stream on here on MotoringFile. Also keep an eye out of the qualifying races and test sessions which might also be on the channel. Bulldog Racing F56 & F66 MINI Cooper JCW Gallery The shift paddle in the Nurburgring prepped F66 JCW race car. F66 JCW Prototype Race Car The post MINI & Bulldog Racing Prep Its New F66 JCW appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
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  8. To celebrate our exclusive reporting on the J01 MINI Cooper coming to North America, we have an all new photo gallery from the car’s recent launch in Europe. The J01 Cooper SE finished in Blazing Blue and the Favoured Trim is MINI’s first all new Cooper in over ten years and the first ever built ground-up as electric. With WLTP range of 250 miles and a radical new interior, the J01 MINI Cooper is the brand’s first full attempt to create an electric Cooper. But what do you think? Does an electric MINI appeal to you? Does the J01 and its new, more minimal look appeal to you? Let us know in the comments and enjoy our best look yet at MINI’s new electric Cooper. And you want the most comprehensive source in the world on the new electric Cooper, head to MotoringFile’s J01 section. MINI Cooper SE – Launch Gallery The post Real-World Gallery: New J01 MINI Cooper SE Electric appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
  9. A couple of our most reliable sources have finally confirmed what so many of us have been waiting for; the new generation of electric MINI Cooper is coming to the US. But which MINI Cooper models and when will we finally see them in the US? Let’s dive into what exactly we’ve heard from sources and what it means for North American MINI fans. Why The New J01 MINI Cooper Electric Isn’t Already Sold In North America The J01 MINI Cooper is built on the brand’s first ever bespoke EV architecture and represents a major leap in range, performance and technology compared to its F56 MINI Cooper SE predecessor. And as we speak it’s filtering into showrooms throughout most of the world. However the fact that it’s manufactured in China has eliminated the possibly of North America imports in the current tariff-centric atmosphere. But MINI has a solution. Last year MINI and the UK government announced a plant expansion at the Oxford Plant in 2026 paving the way for production of the electric J01 MINI Cooper and the J05 MINI Aceman. However nothing was announced about US imports and thus far MINI has been very tight-lipped about their plans. In fact there were more than a few that assumed we wouldn’t even see this generation of electric MINIs in the US at all. The J03 MINI Cooper Electric Convertible is our first confirmed model but we expect J01 confirmation shortly. What Electric MINIs Are Coming to the US Through our most reliable sources we have our first confirmed model destined for North America; the J03 MINI Cooper Convertible. While only the J03 and not the J01 Cooper hardtop? It’s simply the first we’ve been able to 100% confirm through sources. But we fully expect this is just the tip of the iceberg. These sources tell us that the J03 will be offered in four models global; the Cooper E, Cooper SE and JCW E. North America will only get the latter two: the SE and JCW E models. Our sources were also quick to say they expect to confirm the J01 and potentially even the J05 Aceman for North America imports soon. In fact there’s no scenario where MINI would bring a low volume car like the J03 Convertible and not the more mainstream J01 Cooper. Using that logic, the fact that we can confirm the J03 for North America means that J01 is also surely coming. Following what we know about the J03 variants coming, it’s also safe to assume we’ll see the J01 Cooper SE and JCW E and not the lower spec E model. MINI Cooper SE North American Release Timing Knowing the new MINI electric models won’t begin series production until early 2026, we’d expect the first North America deliveries to happen likely in the middle of the year. If we had to guess we’d look for the J01 Cooper first followed later in 2026 by the J03 Convertible. While we do not have any information on the J05 Aceman yet, it would be safe to assume we’d see the Aceman SE and JCW E models in North America around that same time period. We’ll have much more on the new electric MINIs coming to North America in the months ahead. The post Exclusive: The J01 MINI Cooper Electric Confirmed for US Sales appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
  10. The F66 MINI Cooper JCW has been caught completely undisguised exposing its final design four months ahead of its debut. Photographed by Joelre98 and published on Bimmertoday.de, the late-stage prototype shows off the final design of the new F66 JCW and hints at a number of features we’ve exclusively reported on for over a year. We’ve been reporting exclusive details on the forthcoming F66 JCW for well over a year and quite a few are confirmed with these photos. Confirmed: a single, centered exhaust pipe The first that must be mentioned is the single exhaust pipe. It’s something we’ve expected and have seen in numerous spy photos. But seeing it here confirmed MINI’s dramatic design decision. Why a single exhaust pipe? The F56 JCW may have had two pipes but in reality both were coming out of the same muffler. This simplifies the design and likely saves some weight. All reasons we typically see this layout of MINI race cars. Confirmed: Design Will be (Almost) Identical to the JCW Style Package) As predicted, the design of the new JCW will mostly mirror the optional JCW Trim we’ve already seen on the F66 MINI Cooper. There are some small deviations – really small. The red trim on the front corners and the red brake calipers are the key visual markers for a full JCW vs. JCW Style. Looking close you’ll see the unique side sills that are identical to the F56 JCW and that aforementioned single exhaust pipe. The wheels, trim and even exclusive Legend Grey color are all the same that you get on any MINI with the JCW Style. Confirmed: Dual Clutch Transmission Only Looking at the interior photo you can clearly see shift paddles and no manual. As predicted MINI has killed off the manual in the JCW like it has in the rest of the range. Why would MINI eliminate manuals, even though the F66 is mechanically identical to the F56 and could easily carry over the current Getrag 6-speed? It’s likely about simplifying drivetrain components and cutting costs within manufacturing. And for Europe (where CO2 targets are much more stringent) the manual is slightly dirtier. Replacing the manual is a revised 7-speed dual-clutch transmission that promises faster shift times than before and more responsive manual control via the standard steering wheel-mounted shift paddles. Head to Bimmertoday.de for more photos. The post F66 MINI Cooper JCW Caught Undisguised! appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
  11. DQWesley


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  12. The new F66 MINI JCW has been revealed in prototype race car form ahead of its entry at the Nurburgring 24 Hours. But as expected there’s not a lot that MINI has released about the car. Luckily we’ve plenty of exclusive details. Here are the top five facts we’ve learned from our sources that you should know about the new JCW. 1. There’s no power increase While it’s yet to be officially confirmed, our sources tell us that the 2025 MINI Cooper JCW will not see an increase in horsepower. Unlike the Cooper or the Cooper S, MINI is holding the line on power output and instead bringing some upgrades elsewhere. ModelF56 Cooper JCWF66 Cooper JCWPower231 hp231 hp Torque235 lb-ft/1450 rpm258 lb-ft/1,250 rpmTransmissionManual/Auto7 speed DCTDrivetrainfront-wheelfront-wheelLength (mm/in)3863mm/152.1 in3876mm/152.6 inHeight (mm/in)1414mm/55.66 in1432mm / 56.38 inWheelbase (mm/in)2495mm/98.23 in2495mm/98.23Curb weight (kg/lbs)1295 kg / 2855 lbsTBA But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any performance upgrades. The F66 JCW will have a slightly revised B48 engine under the hood – more specifically the B48A20O2. The big performance update will be torque which increases from 236 to 258 ft lbs giving the car a bit more grunt. Perhaps just important, it peaks lower in the rev range as. Previously in the F56 JCW torque maxed-out at 1,450. The B48A20O2 sees this change to 1,250 rpm meaning maximum power is even more immediate. These are small but subtle differences that point to a slightly quicker or more responsive B48 engine. F66 JCW Prototype Race Car Left: F66 JCW Prototype race car. Right: F66 Cooper S with the optional JCW Style 2. The Design Will be (Almost) Identical to the JCW Style Package) As predicted, the design of the new JCW will mostly mirror the optional JCW Trim we’ve already seen on the F66 MINI Cooper. Its you can see in the photo above, the front bumper will have real ducts due to the need to cool the JCW B48 engine and functioning brake ducts which are essential for any track time – and critical at the ‘Ring. Like on the JCW Trim, MINI has applied gloss black side skirts on the JCW. However on the full JCW there’s a unique side skirt design that looks nearly identical to what we’ve had on the F56 JCW. Around back it’s hard to say where the production F66 JCW ends and the race car begins. But our sources tell us that the massive rear defuser is specific to the prototype race car and will not see production on the F66 JCW – at least not yet. One could imagine something like that eventually making its way to a GP model. 3. Production Begins This November Both the petrol F66 and electric J01 JCW models will debut this October simultaneously. However that’s where the similarities will end. The EV version of the JCW will get more power but also weight roughly 500 lbs more. ModelPowerDebut DateStart of ProductionJ01 JCW (electric)260 hp*10/202401/2025F66 JCW (petrol)231 hp10/202411/2024* Unconfirmed There are also rumors we’ll see this very F66 JCW prototype at the Goodwood of Speed later this summer ahead of it’s official debut in October. The shift paddle in the Nurburgring prepped F66 JCW race car. 4. It Will Be Offered Only With a Dual Clutch Transmission MINI has killed the manual in its combustion models and they will include the new combustion JCW. Why would MINI eliminate manuals despite the fact that the F66 is mechanically identical to the F56 and could easily carry over the current Getrag 6-speed? It’s likely about simplifying drivetrain components and cutting costs within manufacturing. And for Europe (where CO2 targets are much more stringent) the manual is slightly dirtier. Replacing the manual is a revised 7-speed dual-clutch transmission that promises faster shift times than before and more responsive manual control via the standard steering wheel-mounted shift paddles. In this exclusive photo you can see a central exhaust and single pipe that looks to be in nearly final production form. 5. There’s only a single, centered exhaust pipe The F56 JCW exhaust These photos also confirm what we’ve reported since last year; the new JCW, is moving from a two pipe single exhaust to a larger single pipe exhaust. In the images above and the exclusive image of the production F66 testing below, you can see a single exhaust pipe (with a stainless steel sleeve), the transversely mounted exhaust and even the aluminum shield underneath it. Look even closer and you’ll see the production version of the single LED reverse light just above the exhaust tip which (one could imagine) would look somewhat integrated with the cutout of the pipe. Why a single exhaust pipe? Two key reasons that matters in both racing and on the street; weight savings and better for packaging. It will also likely be very close to the design of the F56 JCW, just with a single, larger pipe vs two smaller ones. What’s Next? Look for more photos and videos of the race-prepped JCW as it prepares for the Nurburgring 24 and potentially an appearance at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. We should finally see it in full production glory this October alongside its all electric sibling, the J01 Cooper JCW. Until then look for more exclusives news on both models that should help give us a full picture of MINIs ultimate Cooper. The post 2025 MINI Cooper JCW: The Top 5 Facts You Should Know appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
  13. Проблема стандартная, теплообменник и/или радиаторы под замену. Следить легко, на пробегах 100-150+ регулярно проверяем уровень антифриза и масла, если начинает уходить, значит проблема уже есть и надо шевелиться. Автомобиль умный, о перегреве предупредит, надо сразу останавливаться и на эвакуатор, но если следить внимательно, то до этого не дойдёт
  14. Привет, минипипл! Помогите пожалуста по вопросу : модель COUNTRYMAN S 2017 года. Вытекла охлаждающая жидкость (хорошо, что не вся) во вепрям заметили лужу под машиной. Автомобиль "типо умный" не предупреждает владельца о снижении уровня охлаждающей жидкости, сами понимаете к каким громадным проблемам это может привести. Что думаете по этому поводу, как сами следите?
  15. Чего не умеет «муж на час»? Беседуя с Горацием, Виргилием и другими древними писателями, он давно уже удостоверился, что стихотворение российское весьма было несродно благогласию и важности языка нашего. Предпослав таковое философическое рассуждение о слове вообще, на самом естестве телесного нашего сложения основанном, Ломоносов преподает правила российского слова. Но, не довольствуяся преподавать правила российского слова, он дает понятие о человеческом слове вообще яко благороднейшем по разуме даровании, данном человеку для сообщения своих мыслей. Но первые суть необходимы и называться могут главными частями слова, а прочие служебными. Но вы уже совсем спились, вас теперь же необходимо в лечебницу, у вас глаза как у собаки, когда у нее начинается бешенство. Его же ожидает плескание рук или посмеяние, горшее самыя смерти. Умеряя глас трубы Пиндаровой, на ней же он воспел бренность человека и близкий предел его понятий. Об одном только он знал совершенно: что никогда еще он не испытывал того, что ощущает теперь, и что это останется при нём на всю его жизнь! Заключил из того, что свирепая стихия, огнь, проникнув в недра земные и встретив противуборствующую себе влагу, ярясь, мутила, трясла, валила и метала все, что ей упорствовать тщилося своим противодействием. Ломоносов, следуя, не замечая того, своему воображению, исправившемуся беседою с древними писателями, думал также, что может сообщить согражданам своим жар, душу его исполнявший. Се ты, о Ломоносов, одежда моя тебя не сокроет. Се сокращение общей его грамматики: Слово представляет мысли; орудие слова есть голос; голос изменяется образованием или выговором; различное изменение голоса изображает различие мыслей; итак, слово есть изображение наших мыслей посредством образования голоса чрез органы, на то устроенные. Задолго до Ломоносова находим в России красноречивых пастырей церкви, которые, возвещая слово божие пастве своей, ее учили и сами словом своим славилися. Но если мы непосредственного от витийства Ломоносова не находим отродия, действие его благогласия и звонкого препинания бесстопной речи было, однако же, всеобщее. Но если ведаете, какое действие разум великого мужа имеет над общим разумом, то ведайте еще, что великий муж может родить великого мужа; и се венец твой победоносный. Но нет, нисходи, познай подземные ухищрения человека и, возвратясь в отечество, имей довольно крепости духа подать совет зарыть и заровнять сии могилы, где тысящи в животе сущие погребаются. И он бросился к столу, сел в кресло и, разложив перед собой бумаги, принял вид занимающегося человека. Заключал, может быть, из того, что поверхность сия земная не из чего иного составлена, как из тления животных и прозябений, что плодородие ее, сила питательная и возобновительная, начало свое имеет в неразрушимых и первенственных частях всяческого бытия, которые, не переменяя своего существа, переменяют вид только свой, из сложения случайного рождающийся. Заслуги твои о российском слове суть многообразны; и ты почитаешися в малопритяжательном сем своем труде яко первым основателем истинных правил языка нашего и яко разыскателем естественного расположения всяческого слова. И так он вознамерился сделать опыт сочинения новообразными стихами, поставив сперва российскому стихотворению правила, на благогласии нашего языка основанные. И хотя он тщетный в сем предприял труд, но примеры, приводимые им для подкрепления и объяснения его правил, могут несомненно руководствовать пускающемуся вслед славы, словесными науками стяжаемой. И сие первородное чадо стремящегося воображения по непроложенному пути в доказательство с другими купно послужило, что когда народ направлен единожды к усовершенствованию, он ко славе идет не одной тропинкою, но многими стезями вдруг. По этой причине был он осмеиваем многими демагогами, а Пифей, издеваясь над ним, сказал некогда, что его речи пахнут фитилем. По моему совету, он скоро устроил полное примирение со своим многочисленным семейством и даже готовился к новому празднеству, [url=https://myzh-na-chas777.ru/]https://myzh-na-chas777.ru/[/url] по случаю примирения с самим грозным каззы. Читая немецких стихотворцев, он находил, что слог их был плавнее российского, что стопы в стихах были расположены по свойству языка их. Правда, они были; но слог их не был слог российский. Не завидую тебе, что, следуя общему обычаю ласкати царям, нередко недостойным не токмо похвалы, стройным гласом воспетой, но ниже гудочного бряцания, ты льстил похвалою в стихах Елисавете. Колдунья говорит, что, когда Иван и Катерина сойдутся, так они и будут жить как две демонихи, которые дерутся, как петух с петухом, как кошка с собакой, а колдунью не увидят. Светоний говорит, что в тот день, когда дано было это сражение, в Риме орел покрыл своими крыльями статую Домициана и издал громкий крик. Слабый крик вылетел из ее груди. Подобен силам естественным, действующим от средоточия, которые, простирая действие свое во все точки окружности, деятельность свою присну везде соделовают, - тако и Ломоносов, действуя на сограждан своих разнообразно, разнообразные отверзал общему уму стези на познания.
  16. У нас же в Баре мастер с питерского бмв
  17. BMW & MINI have been accused of importing cars with a component that is tied to forced labor camps is western China. A US Senate investigation has reportedly validated earlier German reporting that BMW (along with Jaguar and VW) were tied to a Chinese supplier that used forced labor The part in question is known as a LAN transformer and is found is on at least 8,000 MINIs imported into the US. The component is critical is allowing various systems within a MINI to talk with each other. The part comes from a company called Sichuan Jingweida Technology Group, also known as JWD. Reportedly the automakers didn’t have a direct connection to JWD but instead part an electronic unit (which included the LAN Transformer) from Lear Corp., a supplier of automotive electrical systems. According to the Senate report, Volkswagen took steps to correct the issue but BMW and Jaguar have yet to do so. This has come about due to a two year old law that blocks goods from Xinjiang due to the rampant forced labor camps in the province. Senator Wyden, who leads the committee didn’t mince words; “automakers are sticking their heads in the sand and then swearing they can’t find any forced labor in their supply chains. Somehow, the Finance Committee’s oversight staff uncovered what multibillion-dollar companies apparently could not: that BMW imported cars, Jaguar Land Rover imported parts, and VW AG manufactured cars that all included components made by a supplier banned for using Uyghur forced labor,” he added. “Automakers’ self-policing is clearly not doing the job.” The Senate committee said that BMW continued importing MINIs until at least April 2024 after being informed by its supplier Leer that there were potential issues. According to the New York Times, BMW appeared to have ceased its imports only after the Senate committee repeatedly questioned it about JWD. Source: New York Times The post MINI Accused Of Importing Chinese Parts Tied to Forced Labor appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
  18. The 2025 MINI Cooper JCW is here albeit in race form. Bulldog racing is taking the all new MINI Cooper JCW to the 24 Hours of Nurburgring with Charlie Cooper behind the wheel. But before we get to that, let’s take a close look at the car and what these videos and images reveal about the new JCW. For more on the all new MINI Cooper JCW, head to our full report and make sure to keep tabs on our JCW section for future updates. The post First Look Video: the 2025 MINI Cooper JCW appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
  19. This is our first look at the (last ever) combustion MINI Cooper JCW. The much rumored and highly anticipated F66 MINI Cooper JCW is finally here – almost. MINI is giving us our first look at the car as a race prepped prototype preparing to take on the most grueling race in the world – the 24 Hours of the Nurburgring. We had a hunch that MINI might use the Nurburgring 24 Hours as a launch pad for the new JCW. In doing so MINI is once again making it clear how capable this little hot hatch is. They’re also giving us plenty of new details we hadn’t had previously. However one thing they aren’t giving up yet are any specifications on the car itself. Luckily we’ve got exclusive details that fill in those gaps. The Details of the F66 MINI Cooper JCW Prototype Race Car This screen capture from a promotion video clearly shows the race specific paddle shifter controlling the new DCT The New F66 MINI John Cooper Works #317 will be entered by the private racing team from Nürburg, Bulldog Racing, and will be competing in the SP 3T category. MINI will be entering another car – the 2023 F56 MINI Cooper JCW (#474) that came in second last year in its class. It will be once again in the VT-2 category. MINI makes a point in the press release say that #474 once again has a manual transmission but no mention what transmission is in the new car (#317). Of course we know that MINI has dropped the manual (likely permanently) and will be launching the JCW as a DCT only model. The video alongside the images released proves this out as well. What These Images Tell Us About the F66 <OMO Cooper JCW As predicted, the design of the new JCW will mostly mirror the optional JCW Trim we’ve already seen on the F66 MINI Cooper. Its you can see in the photo above, the front bumper will have real ducts due to the need to cool the JCW B48 engine and functioning brake ducts which are essential for any track time – and critical at the ‘Ring. Like on the JCW Trim, MINI has applied gloss black side skirts on the JCW. However on the full JCW there’s a unique side skirt design that looks nearly identical to what we’ve had on the F56 JCW. Around back it’s hard to say where the production F66 JCW ends and the race car begins. But our sources tell us that the massive rear defuser is specific to the prototype race car and will not see production on the F66 JCW – at least not yet. One could imagine something like that eventually making its way to a GP model. One thing that’s interesting is MINI’s use of the word “Pro” in a few places. We see it in the official press release and on the license plate. Could that be a way for MINI to differentiate the full JCW with the JCW Trim that’s available on all other MINI models? Could MINI use the term “Pro” like BMW uses “Competition” branding creating a higher performance, more focused JCW? Or could this just be a way of naming the race car itself? The Revised 2025 MINI Cooper JCW Engine While it’s yet to be officially confirmed, our sources tell us that the 2025 MINI Cooper JCW will not see an increase in horsepower. Unlike the Cooper or the Cooper S, MINI is holding the line on power output and instead bringing some upgrades elsewhere. ModelF56 Cooper JCWF66 Cooper JCWPower231 hp231 hp Torque235 lb-ft/1450 rpm258 lb-ft/1,250 rpmTransmissionManual/Auto7 speed DCTDrivetrainfront-wheelfront-wheelLength (mm/in)3863mm/152.1 in3876mm/152.6 inHeight (mm/in)1414mm/55.66 in1432mm / 56.38 inWheelbase (mm/in)2495mm/98.23 in2495mm/98.23Curb weight (kg/lbs)1295 kg / 2855 lbsTBA But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any performance upgrades. The F66 JCW will have a slightly revised B48 engine under the hood – more specifically the B48A20O2. The big performance update will be torque which increases from 236 to 258 ft lbs giving the car a bit more grunt. Perhaps just important, it peaks lower in the rev range as. Previously in the F56 JCW torque maxed-out at 1,450. The B48A20O2 sees this change to 1,250 rpm meaning maximum power is even more immediate. These are small but subtle differences that point to a slightly quicker or more responsive B48 engine. 2025 MINI Cooper JCW Chassis and Brake Updates The prototype race car has a bespoke suspension and braking set-up the factory F66 JCW will not see. So don’t think you’re getting that perfect ride height and stance from the factory. Instead we’ll see a straight evolution from the F56 JCW. This starts with the braking system which will be carried over. That means we’ll see a 4-piston fixed caliper upfront with internally ventilated drilled brake disks up front (335x30mm). In the back (where there’s less weight to worry about) MINI will continue with a single-piston floating caliper and a disk that’s 259x10mm. All four calipers will be finished in the traditional Chili Red. The chassis and suspension will see subtle improvements with MINI further refining its adaptive suspension design. While we don’t yet have details we’re told this focuses on improving ride quality while not forgoing any performance. Current F56 Cooper S Exhaust shows the “dual exhaust” is nothing more than two small pipes from a single exhaust. 2025 F66 MINI Cooper JCW – Single Pipe Exhaust These photos also confirm what we’ve reported since last year; the new JCW, is moving from a two pipe single exhaust to a larger single pipe exhaust. In the images above and the exclusive image of the production F66 testing below, you can see a single exhaust pipe (with a stainless steel sleeve), the transversely mounted exhaust and even the aluminum shield underneath it. Look even closer and you’ll see the production version of the single LED reverse light just above the exhaust tip which (one could imagine) would look somewhat integrated with the cutout of the pipe. In this exclusive photo you can see a central exhaust and single pipe that looks to be in nearly final production form. Why a single exhaust pipe? Two key reasons that matters in both racing and on the street; weight savings and better for packaging. 2025 MINI Cooper JCW Launch and Production Timing Both the petrol F66 and electric J01 JCW models will debut this October simultaneously. However that’s where the similarities will end. The EV version of the JCW will get more power but also weight roughly 500 lbs more. ModelPowerDebut DateStart of ProductionJ01 JCW (electric)260 hp*10/202401/2025F66 JCW (petrol)231 hp10/202411/2024* Unconfirmed There are also rumors we’ll see this very F66 JCW prototype at the Goodwood of Speed later this summer ahead of it’s official debut in October. How to Watch the 2024 24 Hours of Nürburgring The 2024 24 Hours of Nürburgring will take place on June 1st and June 2nd 2024. Like last year we expect the race to be available on the ADAC’s Youtube channel and we will embed the race stream on here on MotoringFile. Also keep an eye out of the qualifying races and test sessions which might also be on the channel. 2025 F66 MINI Cooper JCW Gallery Official Press Release: New MINI John Cooper Works to Debut at 24 Hours of Nürburgring Ahead of its World Premiere. MINI enthusiasts and motorsport fans are eagerly awaiting the debut of the highly anticipated New MINI John Cooper Works. It is set to make its first appearance at this year’s 24 Hours of Nürburgring, one of the toughest endurance races in the world, challenging drivers and teams to conquer the iconic Nürburgring-Nordschleife over a grueling, day-long battle of speed, skill, and reliability. The new petrol-powered MINI John Cooper Works, cloaked in a bespoke camouflage designed by the MINI Design Team, pays homage to the iconic red and white color schemes used for classic Minis in motorsports in the 1960s. Celebrating its world premiere in fall 2024, the New MINI John Cooper Works marks a significant milestone in MINI’s commitment to innovation and heritage. In a bold move, the new MINI John Cooper Works lineup, developed to push the boundaries of speed and agility, will be available in both petrol and all-electric versions. In a nod to Mini’s historic victory of the Mini Cooper S at the 1964 Rallye Monte Carlo 60 years ago, the racecar features a distinctive “37” logo, commemorating this milestone achievement. This emblem serves as a homage to MINI’s rich motorsport tradition. The New MINI John Cooper Works #317 will be entered by the private racing team from Nürburg, Bulldog Racing, and will be competing in the SP 3T category. Dubbed “MINI John Cooper Works PRO”, the MINI Twin-Power Turbo racecar represents the perfect fusion of MINI’s iconic design and reliability and Bulldog Racing’s track-tested expertise. The second entry will be the beloved black MINI John Cooper Works #474 manual transmission, which showcased its prowess by securing a podium finish at last year’s 24 Hours of Nürburgring, proving its mettle against fierce competition in the VT-2 category, cementing its status as a formidable contender in endurance racing. As anticipation builds for its debut, MINI fans and automotive enthusiasts alike can expect an unforgettable showcase of the New MINI John Cooper Works capabilities at this year’s 24 Hours of Nürburgring from June 1st to June 2nd 2024. Related MotoringFile Stories The post First Look: 2025 F66 MINI Cooper JCW Prototype appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
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  23. Just because MINI is going electric doesn’t mean they won’t make open top cars. Through out sources, we can now confirm that MINI is planning to build an electric (J03) MINI Cooper Convertible. What will it be based on and where will it be made? Let’s dive into what we know. The J03 MINI Convertible will be leverage the J01 platform that underpins the new electric MINI Cooper and forms the foundation of the J05 Aceman. According to sources the convertible looks like it will be built primarily at the Oxford plant in the UK. While our sources didn’t say it wouldn’t also be built in China, BMW forecasts the majority of its sales in the UK, Europe and North America. And yes, as you’d expect being built in the UK will mean North American imports as well. The petrol powered F67 MINI Convertible will debut this summer with production beginning this November. It appears that MINI might debut the car in 2025 with sales beginning in 2026. This timing could coincide with a LCI refresh scheduled for the J01 which could include tweaked styling and even higher range and performance. If we look at previous convertible introductions, expect MINI to introduce several exterior new colors, interior trims and even a new wheel design. MINI’s first electric convertible was the limited production 2023 F57 MINI Convertible SE sold only in the UK and Europe. Sources tell us that MINI will likely use a similar top to what we’ve seen on the F57 albeit with more attention focused on aero efficiency. This effort will be focused on reducing drag typically associated with convertible tops. This also means MINI will, for the second time in their history have two open-tops to choose from. Previously MINI had offered the R57 Convertible alongside the R59 Roadster. While those cars had some clear differences, the only real distinction between these two model on the surface will be EV or combustion power. What do you think? Would you buy an electric MINI Convertible? Let us know in the comments below. The post The Electric J03 MINI Cooper Convertible is Coming – Here’s What We Know appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
  24. The first ever electric MINI Cooper JCW is coming and its lead engineer just gave some hints as to how it will perform. An Australian publication spoke with Patrick Haussler, the J01 MINI Cooper’s head of chassis dynamics at the Cooper SE launch recently and he let slip a few intriguing details. For one the car is in its final stages of development. No surprise there as we’ve been reporting that it and the petrol powered F66 MINI Cooper JCW will debut this October. Based on our exclusive reporting, production will start in January for the J01 JCW. Haussler went on to say; “I think everybody is quite happy with how the [regular MINI Cooper Electric] cars turned out and the Johnny [JCW], we have already nearly finished it, so there’s not too much refinement left to do. There’s still some work [beyond the handling dynamics] but I already like it very much. The things that you like with the Cooper SE, you will like it even more with Johnny.” For one who knew that MINI engineers had nicknamed the J01 JCW “Johnny”? It’s a great nickname that would be fun if it stuck with the public. But beyond that there’s a lot we actually know about this new new JCW no matter what you call it. The design of the car will be very close to the J01 Cooper equipped with the JCW Trim (which you see above). Key differences will be subtle trim difference, larger red JCW brakes and the potential for a (mildly) functional defuser. It will have much more power than we’re used to seeing in the Cooper with 260+ rumored. Finally MINI has reportedly tweaked the suspension set-up to better handle the car 3,500 curb weight on the track. You can read much more in our exclusive preview of the both the electric J01 and petrol F66 MINI Cooper JCW below. The post MINI J01 MINI Cooper JCW appeared first on MotoringFile. View the full article
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