MINI Pro Tips: Making New MINIs Easier & More Fun (Including Hidden Sport Mode)


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What if we told you there were some secrets to making the new MINIs easier to use? That’s exactly what we mean by “Pro Tips”. Small short-cuts or hidden ways of operating aspects of the new MINIs quicker and easier than you might know. Including a hidden sport mode that is essential for any new owner of a new MINI.

In this video you show you a handful of our favorite pro tips for all new MINIs. And naturally this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more in not just MINI OS9 but also in how you operate the car itself. Want to DJ? It’s there. Want to change the icon in the nav? MINI has you covered. In fact there’s so many that we’d rather throw it over to you our audience to let us know some of your favorites.

The post MINI Pro Tips: Making New MINIs Easier & More Fun (Including Hidden Sport Mode) appeared first on MotoringFile.

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