We Need Your Questions


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We got an email from the clever folks who created the the BMW Documentaries series Wherever You Want to Go. They’ve asked MotoringFile and BimmerFile to submit questions for the experts featured in the film. The answers to some of these questions will be featured as part of an extension to the documentary. These experts include:

Graham Hill, from Treehugger

Robin Chase, from ZipCar

Way Cheng, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

George Whitesides, from Virgin Galactic

What they’re looking for are questions surrounding the issues brought up in the documentary so far. Mobility, sustainability, technology, etc. The comments will be open until Monday, April 11th. So if you’ve ever wanted to pick the brains of some rather clever transportation experts, now’s your chance. If you missed the excerpts, we’ve embedded them after the break. Have a look and give us your questions in the comments.

Wherever You Want To Go (Trailer)

The New City

The Future Just Isn’t What It Used To Be

In the Future, Will There Still Be Room On the Road For Muscle Cars?

How We’ll Learn To Stop Worrying and Love the Future


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