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  1. We are headed out to dinner. 6pm here now on Friday night. We say TGIF "Thank God It's Friday" Talk to you soon. 02blues.
  2. 02blues

    Thank you!!!

    Sorry about using the wrong name / nickname. Thanks for the help on the tabs. I will try to learn some Russian. I just got 4 pictures from Moscow...I guess that was not from you. (Moscow state University?) 1. Go to the "register and send photos" page. 2. You must fill in blanks with an *. The others are optional. 3. Next to add a photo. Click "browse" and you can up load a photo. 4. Add a caption...to tell me what the photo is about or where it is from. 5. Last step. Click "submit" down at the bottom of the page. Good luck...
  3. http://www.bluemarbleyearbook.com Just got a Picture from MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY !!! I will place a picture on our gallery soon. Cheers. Let me know if you are having difficulty.
  4. Well I found the correct button. Sorry. I did not know which one said reply. Not sure where my other messages went. Sorry. Yes. You are correct. You must sign up on the web site and "down load" the pictures. It is very easy. If you have any problem please send me an e mail and I will help you. Also If you are having trouble reading the text let me know and I will try to explain. I am amazed that I am in Chapel Hill North Carolina, USA and you are in MOSCOW and we are meeting because of the MINI Cooper. It is great thing isn't it? There are so many wonderful people out there and that is what this book is all about. Cheers! Большое спасибо. (thank you very much?) I am using www.babelfish.com to help me with the russian translation.
  5. 02blues

    Thank you!!!

    Hello...Dimitri? Wow. My first email from Russia! :D THank you for the nice note. Your English is very good. Did that translation of mine in Russian make any sence at all? I am working on translating the web site into several languages. I will look at your gallery. I can only publish photos that are sent to me throught the Blue MArble Yearbook web site. By sending them you give me permission to use them. I would be thrilled to include pictures of you or your MINI club members cars in the annual yearbook. I hope to bring us all a little closer with this project. In addition I am publishing a one page driver profile about various members. It will allow others to read about you, your car, where you are from. Would you or any others be interested? If so register on the site and send me an e mail. A sticker for the first registrant! PS Could you translate your tabs for me...I can't copy them... Reply private message home page send Also How do you say Hello How do you end your letters...Sincerely yours..or cheers...? Keep in touch John / 02blues